Distinctly Devonport


Devonport cycle lanes. Yeah Right. Tui. Tui billboard by Devonport.net.nz

Tui website

'Go by bike day' - 27 February 2008 - index Devonport.net.nz

Devonport cycle lanes. Yeah Right. Tui. Tui billboard by Devonport.net.nz

Dear fellow cyclists

The Lake Rd cycle lanes are under threat again.  Responding to a group of Devonport residents who wrongly believe the cycle lanes cause motorist delay, North Shore City Council is reviewing whether the cycle lanes should be removed.

We need to send a strong message to North Shore City Council to let them know the cycle lanes MUST stay.  Please help us by signing the on-line petition, and forwarding this email to your friends and colleagues, especially if they live on the Shore.  You could also add the petition link to your Facebook page, send a tweet, or anything else you can think of to get the word out.

Sign the petition at: www.ipetitions.com/petition/lakeroadcyclelane

Read more about the Lake Rd cycle lanes on Cycle Action's website: www.caa.org.nz

Thanks in advance.

Cycle Action Auckland

ding dong bells, ding dong bicycle bells
Ding Dong bell

Get your ding dong bell here


by Goina Thedinga

Devonport cycle lanes.

Our favourite billboards are the Tui ones.

The cycle lanes from Devonport to Takapuna have been a hot topic for quite a while.

The 'Yeah right' campaign from Tui (DB) is just brilliant for almost any topic. And it's a bit of fun...

Personally we feel that a bit of patience, tolerance, consideration and anticipation goes a long way... all the way from Devonport to Takapuna and beyond.

Please visit the tui website
for more GREAT 'Yeah Right' billboards

Ding Dong bell

Tui website

index Devonport.net.nz





© Devonport Net NZ
Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand
email: info@devonport.net.nz


Note: Our "Yeah Right" billboards on this page
are used with permission from Tui / DB

Devonport cycle lanes,
Auckland, NZ

Devonport cycle lanes