Distinctly Devonport. Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand


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The Dialogue
by Bruce Young
2014 photos
by Phil Bonham
by John Ferguson



NZ Sculpture OnShore 2014 ©

The 10th biennial exhibition!


Gala Opening Wednesday 5 November 2014

6-16 November 2014

10:00 - 6:00 daily (last entry at 5:15)

Saturday 8 November - Twilight Evening 6.30-8.30pm, hosted by Devonport Rotary Club of Devonport

Fort Takapuna Historic Reserve
170 Vauxhall Road  (Next to Narrow Neck Beach, Devonport)

$15 Adults
Seniors and students $10
Children $5 (under 5 free)
Family $35 (2 adults, 2 children)

Tickets available at the gate or online at www.eventfinda.co.nz

Funds raised support NZ Women's Refuges

This year marks the 10th biennial NZ Sculpture OnShore exhibition - a national event presented at the spectacular Fort Takapuna Historic Reserve in Devonport on Auckland’s North Shore.

The exhibition, which has recently featured more than 100 works by as many artists, provides a unique snapshot of contemporary three dimensional art practice, including monumental stand-alone sculptures, domestic and small-scaled works, ephemeral projects, light and sound art works, process art and many site-specific installations.

Panoramic views of the Hauraki Gulf provide a stunning back-drop to this showcase of consistently excellent art from established and emerging artists. With a twenty year history, NZ Sculpture OnShore has come to be recognised as one of New Zealand's leading exhibitions. We offer a breadth and diversity of work which allows us to take some artistic risks whilst still ensuring there is "something for everyone".

All of the works exhibited at NZ Sculpture OnShore are for sale during the exhibition.

NZ Sculpture OnShore Limited is wholly owned by Friends of Women's Refuges Trust - which as the name suggests - is a charitable trust set up to support the work of New Zealand Women's Refuges.

Proceeds from each exhibition are donated to Women's Refuge - over $1.34 million since 1994.

Very much a community initiative, the vast majority of those involved in planning, organising and staging NZ Sculpture OnShore are volunteers - over 100 in 2012.

This not only allows us to keep overheads to an absolute minimum, but provides an opportunity for a large number of people to be directly involved with the exhibition and to contribute to the work of Women's Refuge.

Please visit the official NZ Sculpture OnShore site
for more info

Sculpture On Shore
2012 photos

Sculpture On Shore
2010 photos

Sculpture On Shore
2008 photos



Please visit the official NZ Sculpture OnShore site for more info




"Trapped II"
by Donna and Colwyn Hanson






All photos by Goina Thedinga with permission
from NZ Sculpture OnShore

© Devonport Net NZ
Devonport, Auckland, New Zealand
email: info@devonport.net.nz

NZ Sculpture OnShore 2014